DiSC Strategies to Build Team Trust


How well does your team work together?  Do team members truly trust one another?  Is there an opportunity to increase performance?

Using DiSC assessments as a foundation for communication awareness, Corporate Teams delivers an interactive, hands-on experience that puts the principles of DiSC into immediate action.  Team members are able to increase their self-awareness while gaining an appreciation for how others might work differently.  Ultimately, the goal is to build a bridge of communication using the DiSC language of teamwork.

Teams walk away with specific strategies to put into practice immediately upon return to the workplace.

Program Agenda

Foundation Building

The program kicks off with an interactive delivery of DiSC principles, individual and team results, strategies to put DiSC into practice, and application based exercises.

DiSC in Action!

Teams engage in intensely collaborative problem-solving challenges while working under the pressure of time. Emulating the pace of the day-to-day, teams must strategize quickly, develop innovation solutions, evaluate possible alternatives, execute efficiently, and manage opportunities for improvement.


An interactive debrief highlights opportunities to leverage team strengths and develop strategies for managing performance improvements.

Post Program: Strategies to Keep DiSC Alive

The MyEverythingDiSC.com mobile platform keeps DiSC in action and team members collaborating. Corporate Teams provides quarterly Team Tips and Strategies for applying best practices.

Requirements & Logistics

• Programs are delivered in 1/2 day or full day sessions

• Team Performance Challenges can be delivered indoors or outdoors

• Team members complete the on-line DiSC assessment prior to program delivery

• Team results are used to customize program delivery


• Increase personal awareness: how do you prefer to communicate; what motivates you at work; how you manage conflict; preferences for problem-solving; what strengths you bring to a team; opportunities for improvement

• Improve employee collaboration and engagement. Learn to leverage DiSC styles and apply strategies to align communications within a team

• Develop the ability for teams to practice leadership influence (leadershifting) – a dynamic process of working collaboratively within teams

• Provides a language of teamwork and platform for on-going team member collaboration with the MyEverythingDiSC.com mobile platform. Compare DiSC styles, create team reports, and access strategies to increase communication effectiveness across the team

All programs include

Throw out the technology. Instead of your team following a device telling you where to go and what to do, it is up to your team to collaborate and problem-solve.

We recognize that this is not just an ‘event’. Our programming is about building teams, incorporating strategic and collaborative team building challenges, and giving back to the community. We are seasoned facilitators that deliver high impact team/leader programming.

Complex, Strategic, and Highly Collaborative Team Initiatives that Promote ‘Balanced Teamwork’ for High Performing Teams

Corporate Teams takes care of everything behind the scenes. Coordination includes: Client Requirements; Program Delivery and Facilitation; Venue Logistics; Recipient Organization and Logistics; Recipient Involvement On-Site; Equipment Safety.

Your One-Stop Provider

Add a profile assessment, facilitator or speaker to create a custom program!

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