Measure Team Performance with the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team


How well is your team performing?  Do team members trust one another?  Does the team have the drive, energy and passion of a high performance team?

Even the most productive teams may not be high performance teams.  The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team establishes a benchmark of team performance and provides a platform of actionable strategies that propels teams forward to meet behavioral performance goals important to overall team success.  Your intact team will complete the on-line Five Behaviors assessment measuring how the team perceives its behaviors in the areas of:  Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Collective Results.

The hard-hitting results provide a catalyst for authentic dialogue to discover and adapt behaviors that are not productively serving the team.  At any future point, the team can reassess their behaviors with the Five Behaviors Progress assessment which provides a side-by-side comparison of the team’s performance has improved over time.

Program Agenda


Prior to the Five Behaviors session, Corporate Teams conducts a pre-program analysis of current team dynamics, strengths, challenges, and objectives.  Each team member then completes an on-line assessment that measures perceived team performance across the Five Behaviors.  Team members receive results prior to the session to get familiar with team results and the Five Behaviors language.

Program Delivery

The Five Behaviors session is an interactive, deep dialogue experience that engages the team in recognizing current behaviors that are preventing the team from the highest levels of performance.  The following modules are addressed during the full day agenda.

  • Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Model
  • Team Results
  • Building Trust
  • Mastering Conflict
  • Achieving Commitment
  • Embracing Accountability
  • Focusing on Results
  • Team Commitments
  • Target Timeline for Five Behaviors Progress Session


Requirements & Logistics

The Five Behaviors experience brings together a trust building communications assessment with Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.  Wiley’s Everything DiSC or Wiley’s All Types assessment provide the foundation into trust building behaviors.  This combination is a powerful process that engages intact teams with an authentic dialogue examining individual and team behaviors.  The team will discover how to leverage positive behaviors while uncovering essential strategies to increase performance across the Five Behaviors model.

This program is for intact teams who work closely together.  We recommend a maximum team size of 15 to ensure the best results.

The initial full day session creates a team benchmark on current performance.  We recommend a Progress session at a future point of 6 months that provides a side-by-side comparison of the initial session results with the future point.



Key Outcomes for a Team

The Five Behaviors Model is a powerful catalyst to help team members learn to work together more efficiently and effectively to increase team cohesiveness.  A productive, high-functioning team:

  • Makes more effective and faster decisions
  • Taps into the skills and knowledge of all team members
  • Eliminates wasting time and energy on destructive conflict
  • Avoids revisiting the same topics because of a lack of buy-in
  • Creates a competitive advantage
  • Increases team engagement and commitment
  • Generates increased performance
  • Achieves higher collective results

All programs include

Throw out the technology. Instead of your team following a device telling you where to go and what to do, it is up to your team to collaborate and problem-solve.

We recognize that this is not just an ‘event’. Our programming is about building teams, incorporating strategic and collaborative team building challenges, and giving back to the community. We are seasoned facilitators that deliver high impact team/leader programming.

Complex, Strategic, and Highly Collaborative Team Initiatives that Promote ‘Balanced Teamwork’ for High Performing Teams

Corporate Teams takes care of everything behind the scenes. Coordination includes: Client Requirements; Program Delivery and Facilitation; Venue Logistics; Recipient Organization and Logistics; Recipient Involvement On-Site; Equipment Safety.

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