Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Goes to the Next Level

Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas gathered for their team meeting at the Irving Convention Center where we kicked off our Team Performance Challenge. We kicked off the event talking about the TEAM Balance Model and team members identified where they were on the spectrum. Most of the individuals identified with the Action role, but throughout the program I noticed the Bank of Dallas had more Thinkers and Engagers than they realized.
We began the program with our 3D Minefield, this was an intense, fun, and challenging activity that is all about communication. Teams did their best to navigate the minefield and guide one another to earning points for their teams. It’s clear when doing the minefield that communication is not always as easy as we think, especially when you are guiding a blindfolded team member through a series of traps and challenges. We then moved on to the Rope House program and the teams really took their time during this activity. It required a lot of strategy and ideas in order to properly execute the objective.
We ended with the Ready, Set, Run challenge. This was a high-energy, competitive, and strategic program that got everyone eager to win!
Overall, the teams had a collaborative afternoon of team building to begin their multi-day meeting. Team Pink earned the top overall points, with the Blue team as the winner on the Ready, Set, Run challenge.