How PXT Select Hiring Assessment Predicts Success

The PXT Select Hiring Assessment goes beyond measuring a checklist of technical job skills to include evaluation of the specific behavioral traits and interests that are essential for job performance and success.  Emotional Intelligence is what drives behaviors.  Understanding a candidate’s ability to engage in behaviors that are critical to success is what helps  distinguish a great hire from a good hire.  In fact Emotional Intelligence can contribute close to 50% towards high performance.

The PXT Select assessment test measures three distinct areas related to job success:

PXT Hiring Assessment

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PXT Thinking Style Measure

This measures an individual’s cognitive ability to help you understand how they process and communicate information.  It tests base knowledge of vocabulary and mathematical concepts as well as how they might apply that knowledge in the workplace.  The results help you to see how potential candidates understand the relationships to concepts, solve problems, draw conclusions, make predictions, and harness what they know to communicate and interact with others.

The resume gives you an idea of past accomplishments according to the candidate.  The PXT Select Thinking Style measure shows you how a candidate performs based on the specific job requirements necessary to complete job tasks.  Candidate responses are compared to what is required for the selected job role using a specific performance model.

PXT Select Behavioral Traits Measure

Once you feel confident a candidate has the hard skills needed to perform the job, it’s critical to evaluate those behaviors needed to engage a team, communicate effectively, inspire leadership, etc.  The Emotional Intelligence of a candidate is no less important than the Thinking Skills.  The greatest leaders of today demonstrate the hard skills needed to perform AND the essential behaviors that create and influence a positive work culture.

Gallup Study

“The State of the American Manager,” found that 50% of Americans have left their job to “get away from their manager at some point in their career”.  Why is this?  It’s because employers place a higher value on technical skills over behavioral skills.  When in fact, there needs to be a balance of both technical and behavioral skills when evaluating job candidates.

The PXT Select Behavioral Traits help you to understand how well a candidate is matched to the behavioral requirements of the specific job role performance model.  It also provides key interview questions that provoke meaningful conversation for further evaluation of behavioral traits during the interview process.

PXT Select Behavioral Traits:  Key Indicators to Workplace Performance and Success:

  1. Pace: How an individual prefers to move through the process of achieving objectives and tasks.  Are you more steadfast and like to take your time OR do you like to push through and act quickly?
  2. Assertiveness:  The level of interest in controlling tasks and results.  Are you on the quieter side and patient or do you prefer to jump into action and drive the process?
  3. Sociability:  How an individual likes to engage in the workplace.  Do you prefer to work through things on your own OR is your preference to collaborate with others?
  4. Conformity:  Are you thinking inside or outside the box?  Do you move along to your own beat OR do you determine a course of action as dictated by rules and regulations.
  5. Outlook:  How an individual goes through the problem-solving process.  Are you skeptical & questioning requiring key data points that converge to a solution OR do you prefer an innovative approach with a divergent process to identify opportunities?
  6. Decisiveness:  How comfortable an individual is when making quick and fast decisions.  Are you more deliberate methodically analyzing options OR are you more comfortable moving quickly and taking risks?
  7. Accommodation:  How an individual attends to others’ needs and ideas.  Do you prefer to remain steadfast and defend priorities and beliefs OR do you prefer keeping team harmony?
  8. Independence:  An individual’s level of preference fo managing instruction and guidance.  Do you seek support and instruction OR do you feel comfortable setting your own direction?
  9. Judgment:  How an individual forms opinions and makes decisions.  Are you more intuitive and follow a gut instinct OR do you prefer a logical and factual approach?

PXT Select Interests Measure

Motivated employees will have higher levels of job satisfaction and job success.  The PXT Select Interests Measure matches a candidates interests to those key to the performance model of a job role.  They might have the skills to perform the job but will they be engaged?

Each job role identifies three key interests necessary for high performance.  A candidates interests are evaluated against the three in their order of preference.

PXT Select Summary

To get the most from the PXT Select assessment, it’s important to consider the bigger picture beyond the percentage of fit.  When balancing the feedback across the three areas, the general approach is to evaluate Thinking Styles as 40%, Behavioral Traits as 40% and Interests as 20%.

This supports the importance of exploring areas beyond tactical job skills and evaluating how an individual communicates along with their interests relative to the selected job role.  The PXT Comprehensive Selection report provides a breakdown of each area along with specific interview questions customized to a candidate’s results.

PXT Select Pricing

PXT Select pricing is based on quantity, frequency of use, service level required and applications of how an organization wants to use the assessments.  Pricing models are available for small businesses and organizations to global corporations hiring thousands of employees annually.  Please email us to receive more information.