How to Have a More Productive Meeting

We all know how easy it is to get bogged down in meetings, and it costs. It is estimated that $37 billion dollars is lost on unnecessary meetings each year. Here are tips on making your meetings more productive: Are you having a meeting for the sake of a... More

The Gatorade Team Gather for an Adventure!

The teams from the Gatorade division of PepsiCo gathered for an Amazing Adventure Race in Rosemont Illinois. More than 50 participants from across the country a buzz with excitement as they headed out to begin their day of team building. Indoor skydiving,... More

How to Become a More Effective Listener

Being able to communicate effectively is an important skill to have  no matter what profession you are in; after all, it is widely considered to be a top quality in a person. Many schools offer  public speaking classes to help improve your speech, but there... More

Syntel Gives Back

The Syntel teams gathered at the beautiful La Canterra Resort in San Antonio, TX for their annual event. The group was energetic, competitive, and very excited to take part in our charity challenge, “Buddies for Health.” We began the event by discovering... More

Blue Canopy Takes the Waves

It was mid-October and the Executive Teams from Blue Canopy went out to experience team building like they never have before! The day was beautiful and sunny as they headed out with their families on a Mission Impossible excursion in South Miami Beach. They... More

ADT Braves the Rain in Ft. Lauderdale

Even with the heat index in the high 80’s on this September afternoon, the Finance team from ADT, decided that a few thunderstorms and heat weren’t going to dampen their spirits. They embarked on a Mission Impossible Team challenge in Fort Lauderdale.... More


Have you set goals in the past but they didn’t stick? Check out this list of helpful tips on how to set goals and keep them. Look at the big picture Look at life and see if you are where you want to be. Ask yourself the big questions. The answers don’t... More

Productivity Tips

Have you been feeling less productive than usual? Try these tips to get back on track. Have a goal (and set targets) Regular goal setting can maximize your output. Be clear and what you want to achieve and make sure you aren’t setting yourself up for... More

Intelligrated Invents the Catapult

At the beautiful offices of Intelligrated in Mason, OH the teams gathered for the “Intellipult” catapult event. Lunch kicked off the event as the predetermined teams got ramped up with names such as Edison, Faraday, da Vinci and Tesla. With the names of... More